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Microsoft AdCentre is now Bing Ads

We're excited to hear that Bing Ads, formerly Microsoft Advertising adCenter, as the tool that we'll now use to manage search ads on the Yahoo! Bing Network. Bing Ads brings you an improved experience and new features to help you manage your campaigns more easily and complete tasks faster. Plus, we’ll continue to reach the same high-quality Yahoo! Bing Network searchers who perform 178 million monthly searches in India.1.

How It Works

Create your campaign. First, choose keywords relevant to your business so that your ad can be shown in the search results when customers search for your product or service. Next, create an ad that communicates your business offering so you can be sure to attract the most interested searchers. We have tutorials to help you get started, and easy-to-use tools to seamlessly import search campaigns you may be running elsewhere.

See your ads appear on the Yahoo! Bing Network. Your ads may appear next to the search results on the Yahoo! Bing Network when people search using your keywords. The best part? You pay only when customers click on your ad, plus you’re in control – of how much you pay, what your ad says, and where it could be seen by millions of potential customers.

Build on what works. Bing Ads offers resources that help boost ad performance and reduce the amount of time you spend managing your campaigns.

Expand your reach using Bing Ads

Reach more potential customers. Customers use the Yahoo! Bing Network every day to find the products and services they need. Search advertising helps connect you with these customers to help grow your business.

Reach the right customers. Our audience is qualified and engaged: decision-making customers who are likely to spend more online than Google searchers.1 Putting your ads in front of them can help you get more clicks and more sales.


You can also link your Ad Centre account with this and you can also use your Microsoft Live Id to sign in.